Planning a wedding makeover? Don't forget about your teeth

There's so much to get ready for your wedding day. Your dress, the food, the flowers – you don't want to add more to the list.

But sparing a thought for your teeth now could save you time for when the big day approaches. After all, if you're buying the most beautiful dress and hiring the best photographer to capture these memories forever, don't you want to look your best in every way?

If your teeth are crooked or they have stains, gaps, chips or cracks, dental veneers are a convenient way to fix these problems without major surgery – so you won't have to worry about smiling for the cameras.

It's Not Only Brides

The blushing bride might have the most on her plate when it comes to planning the wedding, but she's not the only one who wants to look her best for the event.

More grooms are now visiting their dentist ahead of the big day to have their teeth checked and enquire about veneers and tooth whitening treatments. Even outside the happy couple, everyone from bridesmaids to relatives will want to look good in high-definition wedding photos and videos.

How Much Time Do I Need?

Veneers shouldn't be a last-minute decision, but if your teeth only have minor issues that need correcting, you could have them fitted in a single visit to Ocean Reef Dental Surgery.

The time involved depends on the condition of your teeth and the type of veneers you want:

  • Composite resin veneers can be completed in one visit. Your dental practitioner builds up the veneer in layers and polishes the surface to look like a natural tooth.
  • Porcelain veneers can take around two weeks to complete. Your custom veneers are made off-site and cemented into place.

Which Veneers Are Right For Me?

If time isn't the only factor, both types of veneers have their advantages. Your dental practitioner will recommend the most suitable option for your situation when you have your consultation.

Porcelain veneers are:

  • more durable
  • longer lasting
  • resistant to stains
  • more natural in appearance.

However, they also cost more than composite veneers. And if they get damaged, the whole veneer will need to be replaced.

Composite resin veneers are:

  • more affordable
  • faster to complete
  • easier to repair if they get chipped or cracked.

However, these veneers don't usually last as long as porcelain and they're more vulnerable to stains and damage. Your dental practitioner will give you advice about how to look after your veneers and what foods and drinks are best avoided.

Because veneers are a cosmetic solution, they can't be used to correct more severe damage or alignment issues. In these cases, you may need other treatments such as crowns or white fillings.

Where Can I Find Out More?

Speak to our team at Ocean Reef Dental Surgery and we'll answer any questions you have about veneers, teeth whitening and other treatments to help you look your best on your big day.

Make an enquiry online or call our dental clinic on 08 9307 6700.